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Decide if Product Led Growth (PLG) is Right for You

In today's business climate,  digital companies are facing increased pressure to drive growth and remain competitive with limited resources. With the tightening of sales budgets and an increased focus on strategy, it's crucial to consider new approaches that can help your company succeed outside of growing headcount.

One of the best approaches is transitioning from a conventional B2B SaaS Sales Process to a product-led growth (PLG) model. PLG is a modern and effective way to drive growth by leveraging your product to automate onboarding & the subscription process to acquire, engage, and retain customers.

As more companies adopt PLG, it's important to understand the key factors to consider when making the switch. This includes market fit, product maturity, user acquisition, user engagement, revenue model, and measurement and experimentation. By carefully considering each of these factors, you can determine whether PLG is the right approach for your company and set yourself up for success.

To help guide your decision-making process, we've created a scorecard that you can use to assess the potential of PLG for your company and evaluate your readiness for the switch here.

When considering a switch from conventional B2B SaaS to product-led growth, there are several key factors to consider.

  1. Market fit: Is your target market primed for a product-led approach? Do they value a self-serve, hands-on experience, or do they prefer a more traditional sales approach?

  2. Product maturity: Is your product feature-complete and ready for widespread adoption? Product-led growth typically relies on a product that is easy to use, provides value quickly, and can be adopted without extensive support.

  3. User acquisition: How will you acquire new users? In product-led growth, user acquisition is primarily driven by word of mouth and organic search, so your product must have the ability to generate buzz and be easily discoverable.

  4. User engagement: How will you engage and retain users over time? A product-led approach typically relies on providing value, building trust, and delivering an outstanding user experience.

  5. Revenue model: How will you monetize your product? Product-led growth often relies on freemium or subscription models, so it's important to have a clear understanding of how you will generate revenue and how you will scale. Does your model need to change or is it plug-and-play?

  6. Measurement and experimentation: How will you measure the success of your product-led growth efforts and continually optimize and improve? Do you have the ability to do this or will it need to be built?

It's important to carefully consider each of these factors and to have a clear plan for how you will address them as you make the switch to product-led growth.
